From a Hotel that usually is comfortable and quite good I do expect a better reaction when something goes wrong, as it was the case during my last stay. There was no water at all in the early morning because of a main pipe defect. Not a single drop of water was available for the morning shower or personal hygiene.
The room nonetheless had to be returned with no delay by 11am although having a dirty toilet and dirty bathroom. As if the next guest would want to have a room in this condition!
Not even a bottle of water was offered for one to brush their teeth or wash their faces.
I would have appreciated to return the room after the lunch break to be at least able to quickly refresh myself.
Instead, over 100 guests were instructed to go for a shower in a connected spa, which is open to futher public, following a long path through the hotel and various spa facilities.
Everybody beeing in a tight business schedule, made this alternative unusable for obvious reasons known to the hotel.