My recent trip to Tropic Star Lodge (March ’22) was over 40 years in the making. I had been dreaming of fishing TSL since 10 or 12 yrs of age, seeing the ad in the back of Field & Stream and Saltwater Sportsman magazines. Fishing has been in my blood as long as I can remember, and I have been blessed by being able to blend my vocation and avocation into one. For the last 30 years I have run the largest saltwater guide service in the eastern US (maybe excluding Florida). With a career’s worth of time spent on the water striving to create memorable experiences for my clients, I feel particularly qualified to comment on the fishing related services that TSL delivers.
What I wasn’t prepared for was the world class shoreside amenities. Fortunately, I was part of a group of eight … myself, and seven investment banking and mining executives, who have spent their careers traveling the globe, entertaining, and doing business with the uber-wealthy. This group was exceedingly qualified to assess the shoreside aspect of TSL.
As my title suggests, TSL delivers a 5-star “Michelin” level experience at every turn.
Fishing: TSL is world renown for it’s Marlin fishery. Both Blue and Black are caught here in consistent fashion, with winter being prime season. The fishing is not far from the dock (25 minutes?), and the boats and crews are exceptional for this fishery. Anyone who knows Marlin fishing knows that it is somewhat of a crap shoot … during prime season, TSL may have 15 boats out on the marlin grounds for a full day, and 7 or 10 of them may hook up and land a marlin. This, or course, means 5 – 8 boats might not hook up. If you define your success solely on the landing of a marlin, you are opening yourself up for disappointment. However, if you have your eyes open to all of the other amazing things happening … the bait, the birds, the jungle shoreline, turtles, dolphins, whale sharks, the other fish species (tuna, dorado, sailfish, etc.), the proficiency of the captains and mates, etc., then I guarantee you will be blown away.
Our trip was geared towards targeting the inshore fishery for Roosters, Cubera Snappers, Trevally, etc. and we had a sub-focus of throwing flies. TSL has recently begun developing what is an astounding inshore fishery … pulling live baits on 30lb class conventional tackle, trolling swim baits on spinning gear, and casting poppers and swim baits on hefty spinning gear. The trolling (bait or lures) was significantly more effective (and easier for older clients or those more limited physically), but we caught fish every day on poppers and flies. For those who really prefer casting (flies or lures), the lodge is actively refining it’s offerings to cater to those desires. For example, TSL Fishing Director, Richard White, knew I was passionate about throwing flies, and that I was willing to do whatever I could to try for a rooster fish on a fly … something not done to date at the lodge. Without my asking, Richard took it upon himself to set up a special trip for me to spend a morning in a panga, w/a guide, casting flies along specific rocky shorelines and pocket beaches that were known to hold juvenile roosters. It was a breathtaking experience, and although we didn’t get a rooster to bite, we found small African Pompano, jumbo bonito (that any east coast angler would drool over), and tenacious jacks … all while surrounded, up close and personal, with the impenetrable Darrien Jungle, and spectacular rocky shoreline … it honestly felt like King Kong could emerge from the jungle at any time.
Our group, fishing three boats over six days, caught close to 20 species of fish, including black marlin, yellow fin tuna, bonito, snook, jacks and pompano all on fly rods. My bottom line regarding fishing … come with plans to see and enjoy all aspects of the fishing that TSL has to offer, and let the lodge know exactly what you are hoping for, and there is ZERO chance that you will leave disappointed.
In terms of the shoreside amenities, I am still in awe at how they pull it all off so seamlessly. TSL is completely isolated and self sufficient, yet they don’t miss a trick ... every aspect from when you land in Panama City, through planes, busses and pangas to get to the lodge, all through your stay, and your safe delivery back to Panama City … and all done with a smile, and the warmth of an old friend. Patterson, who appears to be head of food & beverage services, knew everyone by their first name within about 30 minutes of arrival on Saturday (and there were about 30 new guests in our week). A knock on your door at 5:30 every morning with the (pre-selected) beverage of your choice. Dinner choices are selected each morning (from 5 – 7 incredible options), and every night your dinner is placed in your spot … every server know YOU. Cold face cloths greet you every day as you walk up the dock after fishing. The new Marlin Bar off the charts. TSL is literally Disney Land for adult anglers.
But THE FOOD !!! OMG … the wealthy bankers/CEOs in our group were BLOWN AWAY at the caliber of food … both content and presentation. Multiple members stated definitively that TSL dining rivals the best that London or New York has to offer … all while in the middle of the jungle!!
Finally, shoreside experiences. In addition to fishing, TSL offers an idyllic setting reminiscent of Fantasy Island. An amazing pool, jungle hikes to a deserted white sand beach, cultural visits to the local village, turtle nesting/release tours, SUP paddle boards, kayaks, ping-pong, billiards, corn-hole, darts, and more. Just like the fish, everything here is oversized, including pigeon sized grasshoppers, business card sized beetles and leaf bugs … but there are no biting flies/mosquitoes (thank god!)
In my business, I always try to undersell and over perform, so it makes me slightly uneasy to present such a strong endorsement of TSL … however, having met the leadership, and seeing the dedication of the local staff, I have no doubt that my spectacular experience was just another day in the jungle for them.
If you are looking for an exceptional fishing vacation, in an amazing, pristine natural environment, without giving up the comforts you are accustomed to, you would be hard pressed to find a comparable opportunity, and I would strongly urge you to consider Tropic Star Lodge.