If you travel across Africa and have come across other similar establishments you will quickly find out that this hotel is just one of those places pretending to be a luxurious five star hotel when in actual fact it’s nothing of the sort. The place is huge with a twelve story building dominating the area. The architecture is not impressive but it’s also not particularly bad. It’s just average. The reception hall is vast and very clean raising your expectations even higher.
Where it starts to let you down is the moment you stepped in to the room. Despite its spaciousness the room has that distinctive dump smell you would only expect in second rate cheap downtown hotels. The view from the balcony is probably one of the finest and if there’s one reason to stay at this hotel this would be the one. Even here however the management fails you by not putting at least a chair from which you can enjoy the view. The furniture in the room is again second rate at best and though the hotel is only two years old the writing table has already started to fall apart. In any case it’s just sitting there in the middle disrupting the flow in the room. You can expect more of the same in the other places as well.
The staff are very friendly and helpful so no complaints whatsoever in that regard. All in all the place is not bad but I think at 120 USD it’s overpriced. Only reason you wouldn’t stay at the Radisson which is just across the road would be either you can’t afford the 75USD difference or your booking has been done by the company as was my case.