I found Best Camping Tours & Safaris by browsing through the net, and after having checked their website I emailed a first bunch of questions I had for our family trip to Kenya. Right the next morning I not only had my answers but also very good recommendations and a lot more information on traveling in Kenya.
There are many tour operators, but Imraan's 5-star service, friendliness and reliability make all the difference and made the tour 11a to Mt. Kenya, Samburu NP, Lake Naivasha and Masai Mara for our family a once in a lifetime experience.
What can I say? Our driver Chris not only took us to see the big 5, but also cheetahs, jackals, hyena, crocodiles, hippos, gerenuks etc etc. We also experienced the crossing of the Wildebeests and Zebras at the Mara river, the heartbreaking moment a crocodile attacked one of the wildebeests, thousands of wildebeest & zebras migrating. We also had picknick lunches in Masai Mara, another highlight for all of us, especially our kids.
We especially recommend the Simba Lodge in Samburu National Reserve, where you can see elephants from the restaurant, the pool or your balcony. The Olgatuni Camp in Masai Mara was amazing as well: In the middle of the National Park, with a pride of lions and a big hippo family as neighbors, with no fences but Masai People who watch out for you when dining outside under the trees... just wow. In addition to the 11a tour Imraan arranged a balloon flight over Masai Mara - for all of us the ultimate experience.
Imraan: Thanks again a million for your time, your help, your organisation. You put your heart into this, and that makes it so special!